发布日期:2024-09-28 05:22 点击次数:169
精彩对白:l'm not so hungry anymore. So if--if your mom is my mom, and my dad is your dad影音先锋下, and we're both born on October 11, then you and l are like--like sisters.
安妮Annie James(林赛·罗韩 Lindsay Lohan 饰)和荷莉Hallie Parker(林赛·罗韩 Lindsay Lohan 饰)两个小女孩在夏季营中认知。她们仪容惊东谈主的同样,却相配合不来。十分偶而的,她们知谈了对方原本是我方的孪生姐妹。
她们运转相互探听对方的生计,参谋我方的父母:他们在一个豪华的帆海汽船上相遇,在路径中就结了婚,但是终末却以神情闹翻末端。因为这场永诀,双胞胎姐妹一个被爸爸尼克Nick Parker(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)带到加州,生计在一个象征的葡萄园;一个则被当婚纱接洽师的姆妈丽莎Elizabeth James(娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 饰)带到伦敦。两东谈主因此从未谋面,汤芳致使不知谈相互的存在。
得知了这个真相,两个油滑的小鬼运转主义她们的政策:她们决定调度身份,到对方的家庭去生计。一切王人阐发顺利,直到父亲要再婚,姐妹俩对后母Meredith Blake(伊莲·亨德里克斯 Elaine Hendrix 饰)的一场浪漫狙击大战运转了……
1. 我小时候家里修建的这栋屋子,从象征的门廊那处不错看到整片葡萄园。
2. 我的母亲从不拿起他,就或者他也曾东谈主间挥发。
3. 你信托不念念去食堂喝柠檬水吗?
4. 我王人起鸡皮疙瘩了。
Before Sunset《爱在日落薄暮时》精讲之六参考谜底
1. Even if you've become an angry, manic-depressive activist...I still like you, I still enjoy being around you.
2. You think you're the one dying inside? My life is 24/7 bad.
claude文爱3. My wife is there looking at me, and I feel I'm a million miles from her.
4. It's not because I'm incapable of having a good relationship or a family...that I wish everyone to be doomed like me.
精彩对白:l'm not so hungry anymore. So if--if your mom is my mom, and my dad is your dad, and we're both born on October 11, then you and l are like--like sisters.